Eco congregation

After a 10-year programme of raising consciousness – and £900k – we built the Fold in 2019. This is the first eco-building on Church premises in Britain constructed to standards similar to those of a Passivhaus, using virtually no electricity and emitting no carbon dioxide.

It is a warmly hospitable 2-storey building accommodating the Baildon Preschool in the Lower Fold and many activities in the Upper Fold. It is part of our new evangelism: we do not just talk about combating global heating; we act to save the precious biodiversity of God’s creation.

We believe that this is a gospel to which all humanity could respond since humankind is increasingly aware of the essential unity of all parts of creation and the need to respect their interdependence.

Our Mission Statement is Loving God, Loving People, Loving the World.

We count unborn generations as “People” too, whom we want to love; this involves doing what we can to make sure that they inherit a viable planet.

  • We have changed from gas-fired heating to Far Infra-Red heating using renewable electricity to reduce our carbon footprint. The new system heats the fabric of the building, not the air and feels much more pleasant
  • We have changed all our lighting to LED, increasing illumination levels and reducing costs
  • We have insulated all available floors
  • We have installed 2 solar PV arrays and ring-fenced all savings to pay for future energy-saving measures
  • We have triple-glazed most of the original Church windows
  • Our kitchen recycles all cans, bottles and cardboard
  • The Church garden contains many rare varieties of fruit trees; volunteers compost waste and create habitats for hedgehogs and nesting birds
  • By filling our buildings every day with activities, we not only run the building economically and strengthen our community, but we salute those who sacrificed to build our premises over the years